
Friday, August 20, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday


Happy Almost Weeekend! Time for another Fill in the Blanks Friday! This one is all about TV. It was a little tricky for me because usually my TV is just on Food Network in the background while I work on something else... I added in the last question in honor of my love of Food Network... link up and enjoy!

1. My favorite current TV show is I have been watching Anthony Bourdain on No Reservations a lot lately. He is so witty and I love to see all the crazy places he goes to and foods he tries.

2. The TV character I can relate to most is hmm... this is a tricky one... maybe Bettie Suarez on Ugly Bettie cause I went through a super awkward stage where I didn't fit in at all and unfortunate things were always happening to me... luckily I grew out of it... mostly ☺ .

3. My life is like (fill in with TV show and why).... Maybe Paula's Home Cooking... because I too believe everything is better with a little butter!

4. My all time favorite TV show is Friends. Hands down. Always puts me in a good mood!

5. A TV show that is ridiculously stupid, but I continue to watch is The Real Housewives of New Jersey on Bravo... they are super obnoxious but for some reason it just sucks me in every time it's on...

6. My favorite TV couple is Stacy and Clinton on what not to wear... ok so they aren't technically a couple but they are so funny together... love it!

7. One TV episode I could watch over and over again is the Friend's episode where they have Thanksgiving and Joey gets a turkey stuck on his head, gets me every time!

8. My favorite TV channel is FOOD NETWORK! Like I said, it is almost always on in the background. The only show I don't really like is Good Eats, too scientific for me.

Your turn! Go visit my good friend Lauren's blog and link up your own Fill in the Blank Friday.